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4 teens are suspicious of guy carrying intoxicated woman and trust their guts to follow him

Although the guy claimed he was about to call the girl’s dad for a ride home – the teens could tell something wasn’t right.

You never know if you’re going to be out in the world one day, and need a hero. For one woman, she was lucky to have gotten four.

Arnaud Nimenya, James Hielema, Starlyn Rivas-Perez, and Carsyn Wright are a group of teenage skateboarders.

They are also being hailed as heroes for their brave actions to save a young woman from an assault.

The four teens noticed something disturbing.

The four skateboarders were hanging out in the underground parking lot at Chinook Mall.

As skateboarders often do, they were just hanging out, riding their boards, and for the most part, minding their own business.

Then they saw something which just didn’t sit well with them.

They noticed a well-dressed man carrying a young woman who appeared to be quite intoxicated and in distress.

“She was screaming and yelling. She just wanted to be out of there. She was all scuffed up and dirty,” Wright, one of the skateboarders, told CBC News.

The four friends questioned the man.

The boys weren’t sure what to make from the situation but they stopped the man and asked him some questions to determine if the woman was safe.

The man said he was going to call the woman’s father to get her a ride home.

At this point, the boys believed the man but they still were concerned about the situation.

“You don’t want to really think of the worst in somebody like that. You don’t want that situation to be real, so you just brush it off and hope for the best,” Wright said.

After talking with the man, the teens watched the pair go into a stairwell.

The situation still seemed unsettling to the boys, however, and they weren’t going to let things go just like that.

The boys rode off for a bit but decided they would return to check in on the situation.

When they came back, the man was sexually assaulting the inebriated girl.

“You walk in, and you see something like that, and you freeze. You don’t know what to do,” Nimenya told CBC News.

“He was trying to walk out and walk away from us,” said Nimenya. “He pushed me aggressively out of the way, kinda like just gives me the smile, like, ‘I can do this. You can’t do anything about it.’”

The boys were not going to let him get away with it, however.

Even though the situation was possibly dangerous, the 4 brave young men took action.

3 of the boys chased after the man, while the fourth stayed with the victim.

When the boys caught up with the man a physical confrontation began. The man picked up one of their longboards and used it to attack the 3 boys.

Police would arrive shortly after, however, and apprehend the guy.

The group of heroes was recognized for their bravery.

The police wanted to reward the boys for their bravery but the teenagers were at first apprehensive about speaking with the police.

This is standard behavior for skateboarders, of course, but they would eventually accept an award from Chief Const. Roger Chaffin at the Chief’s Awards Gala.

“We always thought we were going to be in trouble because we fought with him. When they called us, we didn’t wanna answer.”

Thank goodness the boys were at the right place at the right time, and didn’t hesitate to take action.

When the young girl needed a hero, she was fortunate to get more than to help save the day!

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