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‘The Last of Us’ applauded for breaking taboos with realistic portrayal of menstruation

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The showrunner for the HBO series says that it is a natural part of life for their co-lead and they need to highlight it in the show.

Inclusivity and diversity in media are crucial aspects of modern storytelling. Through this, we can challenge stereotypes and bring taboo subjects into the light, opening up conversations that were previously left unsaid. In the modern age, it is important for media to reflect the current state of society and address the issues that affect us all.

One show that has successfully managed to achieve this is HBO’s latest series, "The Last of Us," which premiered on 15th January. This post-apocalyptic series, based on a 2013 video game developed by Naughty Dog, is set in 2023, twenty years after a global pandemic of fungal infection that wiped out most of humanity.

One of the most remarkable things about the show is its unflinching portrayal of issues that are often considered taboo. From the onset, it addresses the complexities of mental health, exploring the psychological trauma of living through an apocalypse. However, it is episode six that stands out as a groundbreaking moment in mainstream media.

The episode features one of the main characters, Ellie, dealing with menstruation. It is a subject that is rarely, if ever, talked about on television, but the showrunners decided to confront it head-on. The scene is shot with sensitivity and care, depicting the character’s struggles with pain and discomfort. By doing so, the show has broken a significant societal barrier and started a vital conversation on a subject that affects half of the world’s population.

In addition to tackling taboo subjects, the show also features a diverse cast of characters. It is refreshing to see a show that reflects the world we live in and provides representation for a variety of individuals from different walks of life. By doing so, it offers a message of inclusivity and acceptance, challenging traditional narratives that have long dominated mainstream media.

Overall, "The Last of Us" is a groundbreaking show that offers a fresh perspective on the post-apocalyptic genre. Its willingness to address taboo subjects and provide representation for a diverse cast of characters makes it a standout in the current television landscape. As we continue to navigate a rapidly changing world, it is important for media to keep up with the times, and "The Last of Us" is an excellent example of how to do so.

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